Building Livability in New Gloucester & Town of Gray
GNG Community Connectors
Cindy Slocum and Lori Fowler
Our Connectors
Folks enjoy the Community Cafe hosted by GNG Rec every 2nd Wednesday in the New Gloucester Congregational Church Vestry
Mary Hadlock of Southern Maine Area Agency on Aging shares resources and programs available
John Holland of Southern Maine Area Agency on Aging presents on Medicare Options
Community Connections Minigrants
Awarded to Town of New Gloucester through the ECDC for E911 House Numbering by New Gloucester Fire & Rescue
Awarded to Town of Gray in collaboration with BLING for Provision of Emergency Kits to Gray and New Gloucester residents
The Community Connections Grant Opportunity was part of the Community Connections project, a signature initiative of the Governor's Cabinet on Aging, partnering with the University of Maine Center on Aging, Lifelong Maine's Age-Friendly Communities, and Maine's Area Agencies on Aging.
Forty Community Connections grants were awarded for small projects to increase the impact of Lifelong Maine’s Age-Friendly Communities through:
Emergency preparedness programs
Activities that encourage social connection
Volunteer transportation services
Enhanced accessibility of public spaces
Health and safety initiatives
Improved community communications